Kamis, 19 Juli 2012


I just want to share my some of my FAVORITE SONGS.So, Enjoy it :))

first, i like Maroon 5 and Linkin Park. But, i doesn't know everything about that bands :v .I just like to hear their songs :)

From Maroon 5, i like to hear their new songs, "Payphone". And, i like "This love" and "Just a Feeling" too.

From Linkin Park, I like to hear "Numb", "What i've Done" and "Breaking the Habits". I like this bands, song coz.... i just like to hear how they make the songs

And, i will share some links from Youtube.

Maroon 5:
1. Payphone
2. This Love
3. Just a Feeling

And... from Linkin Park
1. Numb
2. What i've done
3. Breaking the Habits

for the other songs, you can search it in youtube, coz i just post the song that i like :v

some picture for you all :))

Linkin Park

Maroon 5

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